Agradecemos a la American Contract Bridge League su material para la enseñanza y difusión del Bridge.
La American
Contract Bridge League (Liga Americana de Bridge), fundada en 1937, es una
asociación sin fines de lucro dedicada a promover el gran juego de cartas que es
el Bridge. Sus 165.000 socios juegan en 3.300 clubes y en más de 1.200 torneos
anuales a través de Norteamérica.
Los invitamos a
navegar el sitio de ACBL www.acbl.org
Ismael Rodrigo, Bridgear
Marzo 2004
recibidos de la ACBL
De: Julie_Greenberg@acbl.org
Enviado el: Lunes, 29 de Marzo de 2004 02:39 p.m.
Para: ismael@rodrigo.com.ar
CC: Peter.Mollemet@acbl.org; Jack.Zdancewicz@acbl.org; Gary.Blaiss@acbl.org;
Asunto: Bridge Education in Spanish
Dear Sir:
Thank you for your
interest in translating ACBL's Bridge in Schools information into Spanish.
We are pleased to grant you
permission to do this.
For your information,
ACBL does sell our first beginning bridge text, "The Club Series" in
Spanish. You can get more information on this from our Sales Department
at 1-800-264-2743 or from our online catalog at www.acbl.org.
I will ask our
webmaster, Peter Mollemet, to review your website ---
We look forward to
seeing your translation. Good luck with your project.
Julie T. Greenberg
Director of
De: Gary.Blaiss@acbl.org
Enviado el: Martes, 06 de Abril de 2004 10:51 a.m.
Para: Ismael Rodrigo
CC: Julie.Greenberg@acbl.org
Asunto: RE: Bridge Education in Spanish
Julie Greenberg should be
your contact in pursuing additional information, files and other material, since
she is the manager of the Education Department. Additionally, she has the best
working knowledge of the information you are seeking.
It sounds like your effort will be able to benefit all Spanish language
Good luck,
Gary Blaiss
Executive Administrative Officer
2990 Airways Blvd.
Memphis TN 38116
(901) 332 5586 Ext. 1300
-----Mensaje original-----
De: Gary.Blaiss@acbl.org [mailto:Gary.Blaiss@acbl.org]
Enviado el: Lunes, 05 de Abril de 2004 13:06
Para: ismael@rodrigo.com.ar
CC: Julie.Greenberg@acbl.org; linda.granell@acbl.org; Jack.Zdancewicz@acbl.org;
Asunto: Re: Bridge Education in Spanish
Dear Sir,
There are a few additional considerations that ACBL requests in return for
granting you permission to translate the ACBL Bridge in Schools into Spanish.
1. The information should be available for no charge.
2. ACBL should be credited as the source.
3. If and when the information is on a web site (even a foreign language site),
we ask for a link from that web site to acbl.org.
We wish you much success in this project.
Should you wish to translate other ACBL material into Spanish, we would be most
receptive to those projects and cooperative in furnishing you any electronic
files we have available, if that would
be of any help.
Gary Blaiss
Executive Administrative Officer
2990 Airways Blvd.
Memphis TN 38116
(901) 332 5586 Ext. 1300